20 Feb

Massage therapy is a form of therapeutic touch that originated in ancient Greece. It has come a long way since then. Massage therapy is the application of gentle hand manipulation of the soft tissues of the body. Massage techniques are usually applied by fingers, palms, thumbs, elbows, shoulders, feet, or even a hand-held device. The objective of massage is usually for the relief of pain or body tension. Take a look at this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massage for more information about this topic.

Reflexology Massage Therapy is another way to relieve pain and promote healing through touch. Reflexology is the application of pressure or reflex points to the skin to alleviate pain, increase healing, and/or promote healing. This method is based on the belief that the body has reflex points that can be targeted by applying pressure. By using this method you can target specific areas (such as neck pain) to reduce the tension associated with it. Massage Therapy is a powerful healing modality and Reflexology is very effective at relieving pain and stimulating the healing capabilities of the body.

Massage Therapy aids in reducing the impact of stress and offers an alternative to the often overpowering negative effects of stress on the mind and body. Massage promotes healing in the nervous system, the endocrine system, the immune system, the cardiovascular system, and the digestive system. Massage therapy relieves pain, improves the quality of life, reduces inflammation, improves the function of the musculoskeletal system, and decreases chronic tension. Massage therapy is a safe and effective complementary therapy for all patients with various types of medical conditions. Massage Therapy is a therapeutic modality that provides relief from tension and stiffness.

Massage therapy may be used to relieve tension and chronic pain resulting from neurological disorders, such as strokes, traumatic brain injuries, degenerative disc diseases, spinal cord injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, and spinal stenosis. Therapists trained in the use of massage therapy may treat these conditions using deep muscle pressure, soft tissue manipulation, sports massage, trigger point therapy, stretching, balance therapy, and ultrasound. 

Massage therapy may also be used to increase range of motion, improve strength and range of contractions of muscles, and to reduce stiffness with targeted instruction. The exact purpose, number, and amount of massage vary according to the needs of each patient. For example, short-term relief is usually achieved by stimulating the superficial tissues and motor nerves, whereas long-term relief occurs when therapists perform techniques that engage the deeper layers of muscle. Short-term relief can also be achieved with therapeutic touch, manual lymph drainage, infrared photocoagulation, traction, radiofrequency ablation, and hot packs.

Massage Therapy may be applied for non-traumatic indications such as neck pain, shoulder pain, headache, and menstrual pain, and for medically necessary indications such as neck stiffness, arthritis, and shoulder pain due to rotator cuff injury or dislocation, or for indications such as to provide relief from edema, infection, and constipation. Massage therapy may be applied directly for painful indications such as tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, and shinsightedness due to rheumatoid arthritis. While most therapists  at this physiotherapy clinic have general treatment experiences and are competent in providing remedial care, some specialize only in one area or perform a variety of remedial techniques. For example, massage therapists may only treat tennis elbow and shinsightedness due to rheumatoid arthritis. This type of specialized massage therapist would be called a Soft Tissue Massage Therapist.

In general, massage therapy can be used to help relieve the symptoms of many physical health conditions. Some conditions, such as tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, and shinsightedness due to rheumatoid arthritis, respond well to massage therapy. Therapeutic massage can help relieve muscle tension, improve range-of-motion, and improve posture, while reducing pain and swelling. In some cases, it can even help alleviate discomfort brought about by injuries.

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